Friday, July 27, 2007

Movie Previews

I don't see many movies these days, but that I doesn't mean I'm immune to previews...

Extremely Excited: No Country for Old Men

Mildly Excited: The Darjeeling Limited

Looks Kind of Crappy: Beowulf

Will Have to Go Alone: Dynamite Warrior

Would Love to See But Will Probably Forget: Lust, Caution

Wish They Hadn't Remade: Sleuth

Ben Will Try to Convince Me to See: King of Kong

Yeah, yeah

Yes, I've been lazy about posting lately. We've had a busy 20-day run at work, I spent some of that time in San Francisco, and my laptop at home was rendered useless by a lightning strike. Excuses, excuses, excuses. I apologize, okay?

My brother, sister-in-law, sister, and potential brother-in-law all reside in San Francisco, which explains the visit. As noted earlier, my sister-in-law is pregnant. Six months down. Three to go. Babies still take nine months, right? Science hasn't figured out how to cut it to nine weeks or something? She looks good - pregnant glow, pregnant waddle, etc. I think my brother is starting to cope with the idea of a baby breaking up his normal schedule. I didn't see my sister too much - something about a three-day BAR exam (Mon-Wed) and a trip to South Africa (starting Thurs). Busy life, she has.

Anyway, I hope to get a new laptop soon so that I can adequately and more frequently post from the comfort of my apartmentstead. Life could get busy again soon, though. Last night Karah appointed me as Death. Could be a tough job. We'll see.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Collector's Item?

On Wednesday night, ace third basewoman and struggling adept number-two hitter Angie purchased cans of Budweiser for our softball team. Said cans included images of Dale Earnhardt, Jr., the overrated NASCAR driver. Somehow two cans of the bubbly delicacy were left over at night's end, and she gave one to me. The Budweiser is safely tucked away in my fridge and may now be a collector's item...

Bud to Dale: Git 'r Off my Can!

Then again, I said similar things about all the baseball cards I accumulated a couple decades ago, and those cardboard coasters aren't worth crap.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What about Morpheus?

Regular readers of probably already saw this story, but I'm pasting it here, too. Why? Well, I have a crazy question.

Let's pretend you are a big dog at, say, the British Museum, and the historical center housed a bunch of tablets with cuneiform inscriptions. And let's say the museum held those tablets since, say, 1920.

Do you think you would have an expert maybe take a look at those there tablets within the first 87 years of them sitting on display? Or just let them sit there and try to guess what they say?

Friday, July 6, 2007


"It is better to be happy than wise."
-My fortune cookie

I disagreed and refused to eat the whole cookie. There's no way Confucius said that.

Monday, July 2, 2007

"Life in a Cage"

I'm not sure if I feel more (1) sad for Amber and Jaxon Willits or (2) respect for Reggie's dedication to his craft.

I'll let you be the judge of their dwelling choice.