Wednesday, April 18, 2007


You've undoubtedly heard of mosaics, right? The first thing that comes to mind for me are designs or images made out of colored tiles. Or glass. Or photographs.

What I want to introduce (or re-introduce) to you today is Mozaic. Totally different. Totally sweet. You see...there's a "z" instead of an "s" and a blue "o". Sweet! And it sometimes is a capital "Z" instead of lower case. How zany and cool is that?!?

Tell me more, Ted! What is Mozaic?

"Mozaic is a place where people, ideas, and energy mix, mingle and coalesce - creating a community that is more than the sum of its parts. This is Mozaic."

Shoot...that pretty much says it all, yeah? What do you mean you threw up amidst all that punctuation (mis)usage? That's okay. Throwing up is allowed at Mozaic. Everything is allowed, including nudity. The web site tells us so.

My other favorite part of this future Uptown eyesore Shangri-La is the names of the condo floors. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Life, Time, Space, Aura! How chic! What panache! Somehow my current life feels incomplete because I live on "floor one" of my apartment building. Maybe I can petition to get it changed to "Sky" or "Cosmos" or "Love" or "Crotch"

Oh, and I'm super happy that The Drink will survive the renovation.

Edit: The author erroneously referred to "Drink." as "The Drink" in the above piece. He realizes that Drink. is a super hip name and regrets his own inadequacies and lack of coolness.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I like Crotch. Let's make a sign!