Thursday, December 13, 2007


Tonight is our annual first holiday office party since 2002. It will also be our last office party, since we're packing our grocery bags and losing our gigs on January 31. Thus, I expect it to be quite the shindig, despite the fact that my boss is foregoing the event. That's probably for the better because many of us are very bitter towards him for various reasons.

Meat will be consumed.
Drinks will be drunk.
Guitar Hero will be strummed.
Poker will be played.
Alliances will be forged.

All in all, it will likely be a disappointment.


Ben said...

How were the meat, drinks, Guitar Hero, poker, and alliances?

Ted said...

The meat was filling, the drinks were largely ineffective, the Guitar Hero was replaced with Rock Band, and the alliances...still to be determined. My alliance left the party a little early.