Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wasted Weekend

I can't say he didn't warn me, but I do still blame him. My buddy Tim sent me a link to a major time-waster last Friday. It is known as Desktop Tower Defense. Creative name, huh? Click at your own risk. Anyway, I spent way too much of my weekend trying to master the medium level...and finally achieved my goal on Monday night. Do I dare move onto the hard setting?

I think not. For now, anyway. I'm still kicking myself for playing, eating, sleeping, dreaming this game over the past four days. I'll admit that I actually thought up my successful strategy while walking to the gym on Sunday night...and I didn't actually get in a workout. From now on, everytime I dream of opening the game, I'll think about this guy:

This hunk of hot man-meat is Billy Mitchell. He's the first person to ever complete and entire game of Pac-Man without losing a life. It's something to aspire to, I suppose. I actually watched a bit about him (and other gamers) on MTV a number of years ago, and he presumably has a spot in the Guinness Book. That's more than I can say about me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That guy's hot.

He's also got a killer winning stance.