Thursday, May 10, 2007

Warm Weather, Bad People

A quick word or three of caution for the city folks. On a positive note, the warm Minnesota weather brings people outdoors and causes us to be footloose and care-free. Sadly, this time of year and those feelings also embolden the ill-intentioned among us. Deb was mugged about a half-block away from my apartment last night. The oh-so-bold attacked two in front and one behind. They punched her two or three times in the face, ripped her shirt, and took her purse and wallet. Good times.

She's fine, relatively speaking. Her jaw hurts a little, she's understandably shaken, she's out $50 and some personal items, and has to make a bunch of phone calls and run around to get new cards and IDs and stuff. But it could have been worse.

This runs the total of people I know who've been mugged from "way too many" to "way, way too many." So, everyone, be safe when you're walking in any city streets this summer.


Abysmal Chick said...

That makes me so sad and ANGRY! I just moved downtown. I've never been mugged and hope it never happens. I try to never carry a purse and consistanly have a don't fuck with me look on my face. I kid myself that this will prevent a mugging, but I don't know. Ugggh! I HATE that shit! Hope Deb is feeling better.

Unknown said...

Oh my god. That's awful.

I often think that, since I hardly ever have money, no one will mug me. Then I remember I used to work with juvenile delinquents, and one of former residents once mugged someone for their cheap-ass silver necklace.

Worthy note of caution, Ted, and taken to heart.