Thursday, September 6, 2007

Can't Miss

I apologize for the lack of posts recently. I could come up with an excuse (laziness) or two (NFL season) or three (no home computer until last week), but, really, I'm just a bum.

A headline on a popular, general website that I read today got me to thinking about the incompleteness of my life, my ability to socialize, and how this fall's choices will ultimately affect my soul. The headline: "10 Can't-Miss TV Shows"

At first, I thought that the list would be about 10 new shows that could not possibly fail. No chance. Never happen. Remember those 10 shows that didn't miss last fall? Me either. So maybe the headline means something else. Maybe they are saying that I, Ted, cannot possibly miss these shows...

...or what? That's the cliffhanger. The thorn in my brain. What will happen to me? Will I be a social outcast? Will my life be somehow less complete? Will I not get into heaven? I'm scared.

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