Monday, September 17, 2007

Robert Jordan

I'm sad today. My buddy Tim sent me an email this morning regarding the passing of James Rigney at the age of 58. That man wrote under the pen name of "Robert Jordan" (seen in that there image to the left). That first link sends you to a blog of writer George R.R. Martin, whose works I purchased solely because Jordan provided a promising quote for the cover. You got that right, Mr. Martin.

Roughly nine years ago, my friends Mike and Kristy introduced my to Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series, which began in 1990 and currently includes 11 books and what seems like 10,000 pages. I enthusiastically conquered the first seven novels before losing some interest. But my personal feelings about the series don't diminish Jordan's accomplishments and his place in the fantasy writing industry. Millions of people have read his works.

Anyway, I'm sad that Mr. Rigney wasn't able to complete this epic, epic work. He poured his heart and soul and mind into this masterpiece of fantasy fiction for at least 20 years. I can't even imagine such an undertaking. And he was working on the 12th and final book when he passed. It makes me want to cry. I'm sure some other capable writer will gain access to his notes and outlines and finish the Wheel of Time, but it won't be the same.

This is a better link from CBC News about his life and accomplishments.

Yes, I am a nerd who reads fantasy books. Sue me.

1 comment:

Tim said...

It's a shame he won't finish it. I read book one and started book 2...and gave up. It started going in 400 directions and I lost interest. Book one was really good, though.